Thursday, December 24, 2015

[Pri_20151224RAMN] A Coin Problem with Constant Difference

Danny saved some  50-cent coins and  $1-coins in his coin box.  The total value of the  50-cent coins to the total value of the  $1-coins he had was in the ratio  2 : 5.  After  $14  worth of  50-cent coins and an equal value of  $1-coins were added to the coin box, the ratio of the total value of  50-cent coins to the total value of  $1-coins became  5 : 9.  How many coins of each type did Danny have in the end?

     Here is a “Singapore math” coin problem that can be befuddling for kids and even for adults.  To rub salt to the wound (or pour oil to the fire?), the value of a collection of coins is different than its number.  Whilst a $1-coin obviously has a value of one dollar, you would need two 50-cent coins to make up a dollar.

     Notice that after adding  $14  worth of coins to both types of coins,  the difference in the total value of the two types of coins remains the same.  Some people call this a “constant difference” problem.  But how do we exploit this constant difference, when the type of ratio units used in  2 : 5  are most likely not the same as those used in  5 : 9?  Well, we need to bring them to a common unit! [H09]   How?  Read on!

Solution   [H02, H06]
Ans: Danny had  54  $1-coins and  60  50¢-coins in the end.

     I am using Distinguished Ratio Units in my presentation.  This makes it clear that the ratio units are of different types.  In the the “before” stage [H06], the difference in the value of the two sets of coins is  3  circle units.  In the the “after” stage, the difference in the value of the two sets of coins is  4  square units.  But we know these two differences refer to the same numerical number.  The Lowest Common Multiple of  3  and  4  is  12.  So both of them must me equal to  12  common units (which I envelop with triangles).  We multiply the numbers inside the circle units by  4  and we multiply the numbers in square units by  3.  I put these multiplications in quotation marks because we are not really changing the numbers of coins.  We are merely changing the type of units used.  I am saying that each square unit is the same as  3  triangle units and each circle unit is the same as  4  triangle units.
     Once we bring everything to common units (triangle units), we can see the  $14  added corresponds to  7  triangle units.  Henceforth the whole problem unravels easily.  [H11, H05]

H02. Use a diagram / model
H04. Look for pattern(s)
H05. Work backwards
H06. Use before-after concept
H09. Restate the problem in another way
H11. Solve part of the problem

Suitable Levels
Primary School Mathematics
* other syllabuses that involve whole numbers and ratios

* any independent learner who is interested

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